Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thinking development - 4th graders

Puzzles are excellent for you to develop problem solving skills and reinforce logic and critical thinking. Afer you finish this one, you can look for more puzzles in there and keep having fun.
Click on the picture to start


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Incas - 6th graders

This interesting webpage for kids has a lot of information about this huge empire. You can read about the geography, the government, the daily life, the religion, the architecture and many other things. You also can play some games. Explore it and you will find many cool things.
Click on the image below

 The Incas

Division - 5th and 6th graders

In this fun game about pirates you will practice your division skills. 
Choose the numbers that you need to practice with and start having fun!
Click on the picture below


Here you have some other division games for you to keep practicing at home.
Click on any image to play.

 Division    Division

 Division    Division

 Division    Division

Earth's Timeline - 5th graders

With this reading activity you can remember easily how Earth has changed. Pay attention to the map and the different labels for details on each era.
Click on the image below to go to the webpage

 Earth's Timeline

I've created two wordfind puzzles with words you have used throughout this unit. 
I hope you enjoy them!
Click on any image 

 Geological Time Scale     Geological Time Scale

Monday, November 25, 2013

Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy - 4th graders

This activity will help you remember what renewable and non-renewable sources are. First you have to read what these kind of sources are, and then answer some questions.
Click on the picture below 

  Renewable and NonRenewable sources

These fun games will help you practice your vocabulary related to renewable and non-renewable energy.
Click on any picture to play again

 Renewable     Renewable

These energy games will remind you some things you have learned in the class. 
Click on any picture to start again

 Energy     Wind energy

Subjects and Predicates - 4th graders

These fun games are here for you to practice at home and recognize simple and complete subjects, and also simple and complete predicates. Have fun learning!
Click on the picture to play again

 Subjects and predicates      Subjects and predicates

 Subjects and predicates    Subjects and predicates

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Plurals - 3rd graders

This is an easy plural game in which you have to identify the singular word and its plural. You are only going to add s at the ending of each word. When you finish the first game you can play 4 more plural games. Just look at the left part of your screen and select the next game.
Click the image to play


Here you have other games in which you can practice easy plurals. 
Click any image to play

 Plurals      Plurals


Rounding - 3rd graders

In this game you have to match the number given to the nearest ten. If your answer is correct the two cards are going to dissapear and you have to match again.
Click on the image to play

 Rounding tens

Friday, November 15, 2013

Simple present tense - 5th graders

These exercices are here for you to practice your simple present tense skills. When you finish you will get your score, and you also can look at the mistakes you made. Good luck!
Click on the images to start

 Simple present    Simple present

 Simple present    Simple present

This fun pirate game also is going to help you practice the simple present tense. Remember you have to look at the words pirates say so you can choose the corretc one. Have fun!
Click on the picture below

 Simple present

Story with audio - 3rd and 4th graders

Listen again to this story by clicking on the audio icons at the left side of each text.
Click on the picture below

 Story with audio

Main ideas - 4th graders

These interactive games will help you recognize the main idea of each text. Choose the answer you think is the best and see if you are right. You can practice as many times as you want.
Click on the pictures below to play

 Main idea    Main idea

 Main idea     Main idea

 Main idea

3 Digit Additions - 4th graders

With this game you will practice adding 3 digits in a fun way. Remember that you have to start adding the units first by typing the numbers with the keys on the leyboard, and then move the cursor with the arrow keys to add the tens. Do the same to add the thousands.
Click on the picture to start the game

 3 Digit addition

Identifying nouns - 3rd graders

This balloon game is about identifying nouns by clicking on them as the rise. Be careful though, because there aren't only nouns.
Click on the picture to play


In this basketball game you will have to identify if the words are common nouns, proper nouns or they are not nouns. Try to score the highest to win the game.
Click on the picture to play

 Proper or common nouns

Addition - 3rd graders

These games will help you practice additions. Select any number or group of numbers you like to practice with and start having fun!
Click on the image below

 Addition   Addition
 Addition    Addition

In this other game you can select either addition or subtraction as you walk through the Murb City. Click on the doors to get in and discover new things inside.
Click on the image below

 Addition subtraction

This addition game is very challenging for you. Here you have to find the two missing numbers that equal the number given. Click on each number to do the addition.
Click on the image below to play again


In this game you have to try to make a 10 in different ways to save the whale. You can also click on the arrows to make different numbers with the pipes you have at the right side. 
Have fun using fact families.
Click on the image below.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Even and odd numbers - 3rd graders

This first game will help you remeber what odd and even numbers are. Move the line that separates them by moving it with your mouse so odd and even numbers stay on the proper side.
Click on the image to play

 Odd and even   

In this game you have to shoot the even number. Pay attention because if you shoot the wrong number you will lose points. Try to get all the answers right. 
Click on the image to play

 Odd and even

Story with audio - 3rd graders

This nice story is a about a dog who is taking his first trip to the big city. You can read it and listen to the author while she is reading out loud.
Click on the picture below to start

 Spike in the city